The Eco-Friendly Fish Tank Guide
Can you keep pet fish and not have a major impact on the environment? Whether it’s the goldfish you win at the school fair or a tank purchased and set up from an aquarium store–or something in between–there are a few considerations to making your tank as environmentally friendly as possible. These tips will not only help lessen your tank’s impact on the planet but will save you a little money, too. The topic can be broken into a few main points: the fish, the tank, and the maintenance. Let’s wade in (I couldn’t help myself), shall we? TheZeroWastePet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an…
The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Zero-Waste Cat
Before we dig into this topic, how to raise a zero-waste cat, I want to first say thank you. Thank you for being here, for seeking out this information. Thank you for making an effort to lessen your pet’s impact on the planet. There’s been so much emphasis in popular media about living this “perfect” zero-waste lifestyle that I think it’s deterred a lot of people who are interested in doing a little bit more. And, honestly, a little bit more makes a huge difference. So, thank you! Thank you for each small step you take. In that vein, it’s important to say right up front that it’s probably impossible…
The Simple Guide to Going Zero Waste
AKA low waste or “nearo waste” or low impact or landfill-free or whatever your heart wants to call it! We’re all in this together! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. What is zero waste? The most basic definition: Zero waste means you don’t send anything to the landfill. In other words, you reduce your consumption down to what won’t be wasted, what can be reused or repurposed, and what can be recycled so that you’re not throwing anything into the trash. Easier said than done, I know. However, it’s my opinion that a lot of the info out there right now makes it seem far more complicated,…
The Best Vegetarian Pets: Everything you need to know
Few things in this world spark as much argument as what to feed your pet. Facebook groups, Twitter threads, comment sections, IRL… no place is safe from vehement pet food discussions. One of the biggest arguments? Can dogs and cats be vegetarian or vegan? The question makes sense. Most of us have given up or significantly cut down on our meat intake for our own health and for the health of the planet. It stands to reason that we’d want to extend the same to our pets. And, the reality is: Pet food has a gigantic impact on the planet. Read more: The Complete Guide to Zero-Waste Pet Food Despite…
How to Dispose of Dog Poop the “Green” Way: The Ultimate Guide to Eco-Friendly Pet Waste Management (Part 2)
Dealing with doo… it’s one part of loving a dog! ICYMI: Part 1 was all about how to dispose of cat litter the “green” way! In part 2, we’re tackling all things dog waste with an emphasis on dog poop because, let’s face it, there’s a lot of it, and it can be a big problem. TheZeroWastePet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Dogs generate a lot of waste. Let’s start with urine: Think about all the wild animals going in the wild… that stuff gets…
How to Dispose of Cat Litter: The Ultimate Guide to Eco-Friendly Pet Waste Management (Part 1)
When it comes to loving our pets, responsible pet owners know that a big part of that love is dealing with their waste. It is what it is. There are, of course, many ways to deal with pet waste, some of which are astoundingly wasteful. For instance, have you seen those litter box subscriptions? An entire litter pan with litter shipped to your home and then you just bag up your old one and toss it. Erm. That’s a whole lotta packaging and fossil fuel used when you can simply… scoop? There are also chemical litters and robotic litter boxes and sprays and the list goes on. TheZeroWastePet.com is a…
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Zero-Waste Pet Parent
You’ve probably heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s usually used when someone’s neglecting themselves to take care of everyone and everything else. Unless you take care of you first, fill your cup first, you have nothing left to give. That concept applies to living a low-waste or zero-waste lifestyle. Unless you’re taking care of your needs and still enjoying your life–rather than living a panicked, ascetic existence–you need to take care of you before you can impact anyone else. And that’s what this post is about! Every swap you make impacts your pets’ lives, so why not make good, responsible, self-loving decisions? I’ve outlined a…
The Complete Guide to Zero-Waste Pet Food
Whether you’re a zero-waste newbie or a no-trash pro, when it comes to pet care, there’s very little helpful, non-judgey info out there. Especially when it comes to pet food. Pet food is a real sticking point with living a low-waste lifestyle. In my research, I’ve encountered lots of well-meaning folks who suggest the solution is to have a vegetarian pet like a rabbit or guinea pig rather than a meat-eating one like a dog or cat. In fact, in a scholarly paper published as recently as the summer of 2017, the authors concluded their abstract with (emphasis mine): “Americans are the largest pet owners in the world, but the…
The Beginner’s Guide to Zero-Waste Pet Care
While no two pet people are alike, we all share at least one big thing in common: our love and devotion to our pets! For those of us pet people who are also interested in learning more about lessening our impact on the planet, it makes sense to think through how to involve our beloved pets in those efforts. We want to do better! And, if you’re like me, you’ve probably taken a ton of amazing steps already: carrying reusable shopping bags, walking or biking instead of driving when you can, recycling, and so on. You should feel proud of those efforts! Every single step, no matter how small it…